
The Bluebells & The Daisies 

Our toddler program is for children eighteen months to three years old. For many toddlers, coming to Bloom is their first experience being away from home for a full day. Great care and thought is put into creating a classroom environment that feels warm, nurturing and homelike.  Soft colors, natural materials (such as wood, wool, cotton and silk) and a peaceful tone set by mindful teachers can make all the difference to the senses of toddlers, who take in everything around them.

As children gently awaken to the world around them we support their development by allowing their own inner process to unfold naturally, without pressure, and without trying to speed up their development.  The children have lots of time for uninterrupted play and exploration. When an activity is brought to the children, it is chosen to be meaningful to them, not to just "busy" them.  For example, the children might bake bread to share for snack, or work in the garden to eventually harvest vegetables or enjoy fresh flowers.  

Much of the curriculum revolves around caring for the every day needs of the children in a warm and respectful way. We place great value on developing trusting relationships between the children and their caregivers. Teachers communicate with each other and the children in a kind and respectful way, modeling for the children the manner in which we would like them to treat one another.

Modeling respect and care for the environment is also an important yet subtle element of what we bring to the children. What could instill more of a sense of wonder than a blossoming garden, or the discovery of an earthworm?  The natural world speaks deeply to the children, therefore much of our day is spent outdoors, working, playing and enjoying nature.  

Our Daisy group has up to ten children with two caregivers. Our Bluebell group has up to ten children with two caregivers. Please read all about our toddler teachers in the bio section of our website.